
MathConcept 由一群資深數學教學專家創辦,成員包括香港著名大學現職教育學系高級講師、暢銷中小學教科書作者、資深數學教師及教學管理專才,致力為 3 至 18 歲學生提供專業及全面的數學培訓。

首家「MathConcept Learning Center」於奧海城開幕。目前 MathConcept 分校遍佈於全港多個地區,超過 20,000 名學生報讀。

本校教學團隊投入大量資源,由零開始,撰寫教材,開發針對香港市場的營運及評估系統。時至今日,「MathConcept」擁有超過 10 萬張專業教材,岀版 104 本註冊書刊,滿足 3 至 18 歲的本地及國際學校學生的不同需要,致力培育每一個孩子。


一切從理解開始,着重靈活應用,堅拒刻板操練,乏味重複! 專業學前評估、度身訂造個人學習計畫、適時調節學習進度,百分百因材施教! 數學補習推介No.1


Sharpen your skills in math concept

MathConcept is an online teaching center with the motto to help students in mathematics. They entertain students from several standards, be it kindergarten, primary school, higher secondary or for international exams. Their teaching strategy is a combination of your verbal as well as mental and written skills.

Enhance your level of confidence in maths:To enrich your knowledge and skills in maths, to enhance your confidence level, seek services from MathConcept. The online tutors have customised the study in various portions. They start with clearing the concepts. After a student has proper grab on the topic, they move to solving sums and practising more of them until you can solve each and every sum. Later on, they come up with verbal and written tests for the final touch.

To excel in maths, enrich your knowledge:If you want to excel in mathematics or willing to crack the international exams, you need to be clear in math concept. To apply well, you need to know well. Do not be disheartened if you are weak in maths. That is not your fault. If you are weak in maths that is because you are still not clear with the math concept. Maths is a very interesting subject once you know it well.

Online help is the best help:Online mentors are of great help as per the testimonials and reviews from students. According to help, it is more fruitful with less effort and also without much wasting time. You do not need to visit any place to seek help, you can enjoy these services at your convenience. There is no particular time or appointment, seek help whenever you wish to.

Search for centers:MathConcept also helps to find learning centers. One of the most famous and wanted among them is MathConcept-The Math Learning center. It is an education brand which provides help in mathematics to students from various standards. Online institutions and tutorials are in high demand now. Seek help and introduce maths in a new way in your life because with these services, math will become more interesting and you will enjoy solving sums.

為何選擇 MathConcept


學生入讀前,先接受學前評估「MathConcept Diagnostic Test」,以準確地判斷學生的數學能力。評估分為兩部分,需時約 60 ~ 90 分鐘。第一部分是綜合筆試:透過精心編排的測試題目,判斷學生各環節的優勢與弱點;第二部分是口試:主要評估學生對數學概念的理解,具體了解學生日常所面對的學習困難。




每位 MathConcept 導師都受過專業的培訓,能以學生的角度出發,緊貼學生的個人需要,引導學生掌握各種數學概念。最重要的是,每位導師都會以熱誠和真摯的態度關心你的孩子,盡力提供一個愉快的學習環境,鼓勵孩子們培養學習數學的興趣。


幼稚園常規課程 (First Steps)

MathConcept 的 Little First Steps 課程專為學前班及低班學生而設。生動有趣的教材加上靈活使用教具的教學方法,讓幼兒提早認識數學的樂趣,為全面啟發他們的數學潛能,踏出重要的第一步。






作為主修科目,初中數學科是非常重要的。初中的數學科不但為往後學習更高階的數學提供必要的基礎,不少課題如比率、函數、座標、幾何和三角學等,涉及的知識在高中的物理、化學、生物、電腦和經濟等科目亦被廣泛 ...





MC 幼兒奧數



MC 奧數課程




Sharpen your skills in math concept

MathConcept is an online teaching center with the motto to help students in mathematics. They entertain students from several standards, be it kindergarten, primary school, higher secondary or for international exams. Their teaching strategy is a combination of your verbal as well as mental and written skills.

Enhance your level of confidence in maths:To enrich your knowledge and skills in maths, to enhance your confidence level, seek services from MathConcept. The online tutors have customised the study in various portions. They start with clearing the concepts. After a student has proper grab on the topic, they move to solving sums and practising more of them until you can solve each and every sum. Later on, they come up with verbal and written tests for the final touch.

To excel in maths, enrich your knowledge:If you want to excel in mathematics or willing to crack the international exams, you need to be clear in math concept. To apply well, you need to know well. Do not be disheartened if you are weak in maths. That is not your fault. If you are weak in maths that is because you are still not clear with the math concept. Maths is a very interesting subject once you know it well.

Online help is the best help:Online mentors are of great help as per the testimonials and reviews from students. According to help, it is more fruitful with less effort and also without much wasting time. You do not need to visit any place to seek help, you can enjoy these services at your convenience. There is no particular time or appointment, seek help whenever you wish to.

Search for centers:MathConcept also helps to find learning centers. One of the most famous and wanted among them is MathConcept-The Math Learning center. It is an education brand which provides help in mathematics to students from various standards. Online institutions and tutorials are in high demand now. Seek help and introduce maths in a new way in your life because with these services, math will become more interesting and you will enjoy solving sums.


2024 新學年免費數學評估

新學年將至,MathConcept 特別推出免費「新學年數學評估」一次(價值 $200),為學生免費提供專業評估服務。家長可即時獲取評估報告,全面掌握孩子的學習情況,幫助他們在新學年中取得更佳 ...



遊戲中學習 透過破解謎題引起學生對數學的興趣 訓練邏輯推理 不必運用數學計算,只須運用邏輯推理能力,適合不同年齡及學習階段的學生 培養耐性 加強鍛鍊學生的耐性、專心、記憶力和歸納、演 ...


2024 暑期優惠

優惠名額有限,立即 WhatsApp 2788 1188 預約免費專業評估! 暑期新生優惠 新生於優惠期間報讀 MathConcept 7月、8月任何暑期單選課程或暑期套餐,即享以 ...


2024 新校優惠

MathConcept新分校現正推行2024新校優惠,新生於優惠期內到美孚新邨分校、李鄭屋商場分校、樂富分校及啟德分校報讀,即可享以下新校優惠: 免費專業評估(價值$200) ...



【葵芳】開幕四週年獨家新生優惠 新生報讀「常規課程」即減$700,高達 $1500 學費優惠 新生於優惠期間於葵芳分校報讀 MathConcept 課程,即可享以下優惠: ...



呈分試是教育局用作決定學生升中派位組別的考試,學生從五年級下學期起,校內成績便會列入呈分試的計算範圍內,對同學們日後升讀心儀中學至為關鍵。 同學們們必須預早為此挑戰作好準備。 MathC ...



新學年即將來臨, MathConcept 將為莘莘學子免費提供「新學年數學評估」乙次(價值$200),家長可即時取得專業評估報告,全面了解孩子的學習狀況,在新學年中取得更好的成績! ...
